Individuele perceptie
Het concept morele identiteit
Meting van morele identiteit en risico’s
Onethisch pro-organisationeel gedrag
Ontwikkeling workshop morele identiteit
Struyve, R., Vanwersch, L., De Buck, A., & Hardyns, W. (forthcoming) Sportgerelateerde fraude: ontwikkeling en validatie van de Fraude Perceptie Index. Panopticon
Tissot, T. T., Van Hiel, A., Haerens, L., & Constandt, B. (2023). The Moral Identity Questionnaire predicts prosocial behavior better than the Moral Identity Scale. Current Psychology, 42(26), 22738–22744.
Tissot, T.T., Van Hiel, A., Bostyn, D.H., Haerens, L., Willem, A., & Constandt, B. (forthcoming). The multidimensionality of moral identity - toward a broader characterization of the moral self.
Tissot, T.T., Van Hiel, A., Haerens, L., & Constandt, B. (forthcoming). Do Athletes Tolerate Fraud for the Benefit of the Club? Applying the Lens of Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior.
Vanwersch, L., Willem, A., Constandt, B., & Hardyns, W. (in press). The Methodological Outline of the Use of a Factorial Survey Design to Study Sport-Related Match-Fixing. In GERN Research Paper Series 8. (editors en boektitel nog onbekend)
Vanwersch, L., Willem, A., Constandt, B., & Hardyns, W. (forthcoming). Beyond Risk Factors of Sports-Related Match-Fixing: Testing the Applicability of Situational Action Theory. European Journal of Criminology.
Vanwersch, L., Struyve, R., Willem, A., Constandt, B., & Hardyns, W., (forthcoming). Dissecting fraud in Flemish sports. A cross-sectional study of stakeholders’ perceptions. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research.